Kriti blog provides free support for hosting a blog on subdirectory e.x.
. Although the setup gets a bit technical but can be achieved in few steps.
Getting Started
Suppose you’ve decided to boost your SEO ranking for your e-commerce site
and identified hosting /blogs on the domain path as a solution, the expected URL would be
Achieving this is a 2 step process.
1. Add or edit custom domain on dashboard
Add or edit custom domain from dashboard for the blog. In this step you need to add any one path i.e. either /blogs
or /guides
lets go with /blogs
Add the domain
and hit save.
After request is processed, the domain should appear on screen when successful. Expand the newly added domain for futher steps.
2. Setup reverse proxy on your main server
Main server here refers to the server where your main site
is hosted. This site will most likely be hosted behind a reverse proxy either Nginx or Caddy (could be other but these are well known). In this step we need to update this reverse proxy i.e. we are basically telling the main server that whenever request is made for /blogs/...
then forward it to hosted Kriti blog instead of trying to resolve itself.
If you don’t have a main server then hosting on subdirectory might not be the right approach for you and instead look towards creating a blogs
and guides
folder in your content directory.
Open up the custom domain card to see reverse proxy config, you need to add that config to your proxy and done.